
Free Bass Transcriptions Archive

This page features over 200 free bass transcriptions in standard notation. Whether you need to learn songs for your next gig at short notice or you want to practice reading sheet music without the distraction of bass tab there’s something for every bass player here, from classic rock to jazz and beyond. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, there’s plenty of free bass sheet music here to test your reading and playing skills.

If you’re looking for bass TABs, then try clicking HERE.

These free bass transcriptions are provided for educational use only (click on the transcription title to view and download the pdf).

Using Charts for Professional Work?

If you’re using these transcriptions for paid gigs or as teaching material, then a small donation to the cost of running the site would be hugely appreciated. You can support the site via Paypal here: 

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These bass transcriptions have all been done for gigs, personal research, or requests from private students. Most are note-for-note transcriptions of bass parts, some are chord charts and others are a combination of the two.

Transcriptions are filed alphabetically by first name.






















Holiday Specials


  1. can you post “never too much”by luther vandross?
    i want to show it to one of my students here in boston..thanks

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your transcriptions. I stumbled upon you at basschat, liked what I read, saw “Forget You” which I like as a song and wondered about the bass. Came here and found “Dock of the Bay” too, which though simple I wanted to learn note for note. Made my day – thanks again.

    Incidentally what software do you use to write them?

    1. Thanks Kiat, glad you’re enjoying the transcriptions! I use Sibelius for writing things out.

  3. So many thanks for sharing such a great work, wonderful transcriptions, a model of precision and clarity.

  4. Great transcriptions. Many thanks for sharing them. I have been looking for ages for a notation transcription of hit me with your rhythm stick. Any chance?? Chris

  5. Hi Tom,
    Is it possible to get transcription of “Don’t sit down cause …” by Arctic monkeys, espacially the chorus, please ?

  6. Great transcriptions. Do you happen to have the Rock With You (Michael Jackson) scan from Bass Player mag. I’m searching for it and saw on a message board that you might have it. It would be greatly appreciated. Got to play it Sat. Thanks

  7. Thanks Tom, great work! Love your page. Just noticed one mistake, though… Take a loot at the 1st chorus in Fluorescent Adolescent… the first 6 bars should be condensed into 4.

  8. Awesome site Tom. As a fellow bassist, you have motivated me to post my transcriptions. I assume since you (and I) are/would be giving them away that you are not worried about the copyright people. My charts are all for contemporary praise music. Ron Wright

    1. Thanks Ron, glad you’re enjoying the site. Since everything here is free and designed to be used in an educational capacity I haven’t had any problems with copyright issues.

  9. Hey Tom,
    great, great transcriptions, thanks a lot!
    Any chance to get something from ‘the subways’?
    Regards Xiron

  10. Thank you, beautifully presented, the people that utilise this site should be grateful to have such quality…love it

  11. Hi I am new to this site I would appreciate a bass transcription for a place in the sun by Stevie wonder

  12. Great songs but could you add speed demon by Michael Jackon and higher ground by rhpc or stevie wonder

  13. THKS so much for that hard work transcribing all those songs. It’s really helpful and time saver !

  14. Thanks a lot! You are doing a great job! I also appreciate your detailed descriptions of the songs.

  15. I can not get the tabs only for bass guitar the song only comes as music only

  16. Thank you very much for providing the bass transcriptions that have certainly helped me a great deal in my bass education..Please keep up the good work sir.

  17. so happy to find a web site where we can get “notes” and not “tab”. Makes it easier for me. Can’t get use to tab, always have to put them back to actual notes

  18. Thanks for a wonderful site. You young guys have it easy nowadays with so much access to charts but,
    you still have to put in the work.

  19. Hi Tom, thanks for this great resource.

    How about Lights Out, Words Gone by Bombay Bicycle Club?

  20. Thanks so much! I love playing these. Can you please add some Avril Lavigne songs? Possibly Sk8er Boi or Girlfriend?

  21. What about a “classic” like Easy To Be Hard by 3 Dog Night??? Beautiful bass line – w/o it, the song would flop.

  22. Nice! Al lot of stuff for practice! Would really like some Doobie Brothers hits here!

  23. These charts are a great resource for learning to sight read! Although I think that there is a mistake in “Mamma Mia”. In measure 5 of the tag, there should be a natural sign in front of the C#.

  24. Great stuff! These say when there’s no gigs and we’re inside a lot it’s great to have done transcriptions to play through!!

    Does anyone have “too much too little too late” Johnny Mathis? The bas line in that is awesome!!

    Thank you

  25. What a generous thing to do. Your transcriptions are fantastic
    Thanks so much for sharing your hard work. It’s really appreciated .
    Very best wishes
    Paul Hornsby

  26. If you were there by WHAM! Great bass line by Leon Estus and Misameanor by the Silvers another great bass line that can’t be found on line THIS is a really great site 👍 keeping
    That old school music alive thanks

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