Imagine my excitement in discovering Joe Dartβs Berklee College of Music bass clinic on YouTube; over 100 minutes of potential wisdom and grooves to steal! Now, imagine my disappointment in…
Category: Lessons
100 Albums In A Year?
In spite of the fact that it’s 2020 and weβre in the era of being able to instantly stream almost all of the worldβs recorded music from a mobile device, I’m still scouring charity shops and Amazon for second-hand CDs to fill out my collection.
10 Years to Learn a Lick?
Confession time: Iβm a terrible student. March 2019 marked an entire decade since I took a lesson with the great Dr Richard Niles, a guitarist/producer/composer/arranger who studied under Pat Metheny…
Taking the Sting out of Odd-Meter Playing
For many of us, the very phrase ‘odd-meter’ brings us out in a cold sweat. Chances are that unless you’ve had a very eclectic musical upbringing then you’re most comfortable…
5 Wonder-ful Pentatonic Unisons
Five of Stevie’s 5-note lines Stevie Wonder’s vast body of work is rightly revered by musicians (and, indeed, non-musicians…) for its harmonic and melodic invention; Stevie has managed to seamlessly…
Double Bass Technique on the Electric Bass
Is it possible to use double bass fingerings on the bass guitar? Actually, forget possible, is it even useful? The short answer is yes. The long answer is that including…